FRQ Hacks During the year we need to learn the four types of FRQs.
Pick a question of type 01 from one of the years posted on the former EXAM page. Solve the problem, including missing pieces in a Jupyter Notebook. Make this a quality blog. My suggestion each member of team do a different type of FRQ, to make reviews and grading more valuable. Browse through multiple questions, find questions that mayhave future PBL interest for you or team. FRQ No. 1: Methods and Control Structures FRQ No. 2: Classes FRQ No. 3: Array/ArrayList FRQ No. 4: 2D Array Regarding Array/ArrayList/2D Arrays It is really import that each student learn to iterate through Arrays, ArrayLists, and 2D arrays. On these FRQs, make sure you do some extra work to highlight these concepts, if they are not present in the FRQ.
Change or add data to arrays, easier for ArrayList. How would you do it for others? Displaying Array/ArrayList by columns, as well as by rows horizontally Display content backwards Live Grading Presentation. On Live grading reviews each team will present to another Table/Team while the Teacher observes. Each team will have 10 minutes to go over their FRQs; or a little over 2 minutes per FRQ.
Create a Team Review and Review Ticket for all 4 FRQs with each Team Member participating in the discussion. Record presentations and make a highlight clip 30 seconds to 1 minute on each of the FRQs. There will be a live review to go over final review ticket and clips. Presentation. Introduce ‘FRQ lesson’ and introduce how you plan to present the Material(s).
Have parts that each person will go over. Consider an activity or illustration other than Code/Code/Coding to learn about each FRQ. Outside sources can be used to complement the lesson: College Board, Khan Academy, etc It would be interesting if you adapt FRQs, so that they work together. This would show your ability to plan and produce something useful. Live Review requirements
If code is not given by College Board you must complete it, your FRQs must run. Jupyter Notebooks contain comments and markdown cells that describe work, in this case it should be easy to understand FRQ, purpose, and funciton. Show grades and blog(s)/comments used during reviews. Java output of cells in Jupyter Notebook is required when posting.
Hacks Key deliverables of this Tech Talk…
Build Team Agile Methodology Diagram, add Team Member roles Create a Scrum Board as output of Team Stand-up Meeting Build an individual Issue Add to PBL vocabulary on your GH Pages
Student Teaching
Multiple inputs and outputs are required. Jupyter NoteBook when committed to GitHub Pages must display Outputs Building something that helps you study for another class or solve a problem of intest. Here are some ideas: MPG, GPA, Celsius to Fahrenheit, Primes in range of numbers, Points per Game
College Board and CTE competences.
Documentation / Analysis. Describe with Markdown Cell(s) and triple backtick code fragments that answers to the following from your work… Explain where a Class is defined Explain where an instances of a Class is defined Explain where an object is Calling a Method Explain where an object is Mutating data Describe Console and GUI differences differences. Build a new Console or GUI menu for your FRQs. This allows sharing a single project with each person working on a different FRQ, The menu visualization and organization can make it easier for team to present in a unified manner. Use constructors and instance data. The two menus are activated by a new, understand what that means. Use static methods and data. The Math Class typically performs calculations using static methods.