This is a project done by Paaras Purohit (me) and AJ Ruiz. This is our first app coded with AppLab, and we created a very simple quiz. The language used was JavaScript, a language mainly used for programming HTML behavior. It is famous for having a large amount of libraries, as well.

APCSP Create Performance Task Requirements Met:

  • Program Purpose and Function - The purpose was to create a simple quiz that implemented the CPT Requirements

  • Data Abstraction - I used different screens that looked at stored values of "right" or "wrong," and output the correct message for the user's answer, whether it was wrong or right.

  • Managing Complexity - Since this was a quiz, complexity was not always needed, but the code is efficient and does not take too long to run, despite its length.

  • Procedural Abstraction - The code written for the quiz, I believe, can defintely be applied to other relevant situations.

  • Algorithm Implementation - Using if-else statements and checking what is being inputted when, I was able to create simple algorithms that completed the task.

  • Testing - There was some syntax error here and there, but no major errors to report.

Hack II - Creating a New App

Below is a financing app, which lets you sign in and deposit/withdraw money.

account = {

print("Hello, please create an account >>")
account["Username"].append(input("Enter Username >>"))
account["Password"].append(input("Enter Password >>"))

def deposit_or_withdraw():
    action = input("Hello, " + str(account["Username"]) + ", would you like to deposit or withdraw today?")
    if action == "deposit":
    elif action == "withdraw":
    elif action == "exit":
def deposit():
    amount = input("Amount you would like to deposit?")
    account["Amount"] += int(amount)
    print("Successfully deposited. Your balance is now " + str(account["Amount"]))

def withdraw():
    amount = input("Amount you would like to withdraw?")
    if int(amount) > account["Amount"]:
        print("You do not have enough money.")
        account["Amount"] -= int(amount)
        print("Successfully withdrawn. Your balance is now " + str(account["Amount"]))
Hello, please create an account >>
Successfully deposited. Your balance is now 69
You do not have enough money.
Successfully deposited. Your balance is now 69
Successfully withdrawn. Your balance is now 9